Solar Committee
photo courtesty of Denison University.
The Solar Committee was formed in 2019 to research and develop city wide initiatives in renewable energies, particularly solar energy. The committee researched other cities and began working on a proposal for a solar ordinance for the City of Bethlehem to reduce greenhouse gases. The focus at the time was directed to new and retrofitted warehouses and new or retrofitted housing units with more than 10 units.
In 2022 the Solar Committee worked with the City Departments of Planning & Zoning, Code Enforcement and Fire to update the City’s current solar ordinance. At our July 2022 meeting, we voted to recommend amendments that resulted from our collaboration with the City’s departments to City Council.
The proposed amendments came before the City Council Human Resources and Environment Committee, who voted to recommend the updated ordinance to City Council.
Progression of the proposed ordinance will be as follows:
Sept. 6 - Communication is read at City Council Meeting
Sept. 7 – Clerk’s Office asks City Planning Commission and LV Planning Commission for review and opinion;
Sept. 22 – LVPC meets;
Oct. 13 – City Planners meet;
Nov. 1 – Public Hearing before Council;
Nov. 14 – Legal ad #1;
Nov. 15 – First Reading before Council;
Nov. 21 – Legal ad #2; and
Dec. 6 – 2nd Reading/Enactment by Council.
The amendments to the Solar Ordinance passed unanimously.
2019 Recommendation: Solar Ordinance Recommendation
2022 Final Draft Proposed Amendments to Solar Ordinance
Photo courtesy of REP Energy. industrial-building/