Identification & Recognition

Do You Have a Favorite Tree?

Is your favorite tree big, old, rare? Does it have a great story? If you said yes to any of these questions, you may have a Heritage Tree! The Bethlehem EAC Green Committee is looking for the next best tree and anyone can submit a nomination. Please see tips and instructions below.

How to Nominate a Heritage Tree:

  1. Complete the electronic nomination form below, OR

  2. Complete this form and snail-mail or email it. Our address is 10 East Church St., Bethlehem, PA 18018 and our email address is

Anyone can nominate a tree for Heritage Tree status anytime throughout the year. However, if the tree is located on private property, please have the property owner give consent. The property owner can sign the nomination form (if submitted via option 2) when it is submitted.

Nominated trees will be inspected by a City Forester for health and sufficient growing space. Nominated trees will be visited by the Heritage Tree Committee, who will evaluate the tree against criteria and vote whether or not to move the nomination forward. Nominated trees are presented to the Bethlehem EAC Green Committee and City Forester for review and approval. Nominated trees are presented to City Council for review and recognition.

Heritage Tree Criteria:

The Heritage Tree Program celebrates grand trees of Bethlehem; such trees stand out by virtue of any one of these attributes:

  • Size: The tree is a large specimen.

  • Age: The tree is old.

  • Type and Horticultural Value: The tree is an unusual or uncommon species.

  • Historical association: The tree has documented history. Provide details and information with the nomination. 

  • Ecological Value:  A given tree may be an important roost, nesting site, or food source for certain wildlife species

The Bethlehem EAC and Green Committee hope to educate the city government and residents in the importance of identifying and recognizing Heritage Trees.  

Additional factors to consider for your nominee:

  • Heritage Trees require sufficient space to grow for both their roots and canopy.

  • Heritage Trees are in good health and have received proper care and maintenance.

  • Heritage Trees are visible to the public from some vantage point (from street or alley).

  • Nuisance tree species are not eligible for the Heritage Tree Program.


Heritage Tree Program Summary:

What we do & Program Goals:

  • The Heritage Tree Program is a cooperative program between the Bethlehem Environmental Advisory Council, the City and City residents to celebrate Bethlehem’s special trees.

  • The program was initiated by the Bethlehem EAC in 2020.  The City has many culturally significant and large-growth trees that should be recognized, not only for their growth and size, but for their carbon sink capabilities.

  • Heritage trees may be on either City or private property. Each candidate tree is assessed by a certified arborist or the City Forester and evaluated by a review committee. Trees can be nominated as an individual or a collection, but must have the owner's approval and meet criteria for health in addition to being selected according to one of the following categories:

  1. Specimen: A tree of exceptional size, form, or rarity.

  2. Historic: A tree recognized by virtue of its age, its association with or contribution to a historic structure or district, or its association with a noted person or historic event. Please provide details and information with the nomination.

  3. Landmark: Trees that are landmarks of a community.

  4. Collection: Trees in a notable grove, avenue, or other planting.

  • Each Heritage Tree owner receives a certificate. Plaques can be made, but would be paid for by the nominator and/or tree owner.