What is a Climate Action Plan?
A climate action plan is a detailed and strategic framework for measuring, planning, and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and related climatic impacts. Municipalities design and utilize climate action plans as customized road maps to make informed decisions and understand where and how to achieve the largest and most cost-effective GHG reductions, in alignment with other municipal goals. Climate action plans, at a minimum, include an inventory of existing emissions, reduction goals or targets, and an analysis and prioritization of reduction actions. Ideally, a climate action plan also includes an implementation strategy that identifies required resources and funding mechanisms.
Bethlehem’s Climate Action Plan:
Bethlehem City, with input from the Bethlehem Environmental Advisory Council, has hired WSP consultants to conduct a city-wide Climate Action Plan (CAP) in 2020. It will take 1 year to complete. The goal is to baseline the City’s GHG emissions and develop a pathway for Bethlehem City to evaluate cost effective strategies for reducing or off-setting GHG emissions, identify sustainability opportunities, prepare for the impacts of increased severe weather and the effects of climate change on the city, employ mitigation techniques and sustainability best practices, evaluate the economic impacts to the City and residents and develop a plan for public outreach and education.
Bethlehem City Council unanimously passed a Resolution endorsing the creation of a Climate Action Plan in February 2017. Mayor Robert J. Donchez’s administration, through the Public Works department, issued a request for proposals (RFP) for climate action plan preparation in June 2019. Bethlehem-based engineering firm WSP and science-based community center Nurture Nature Center (NNC), located in Easton, were selected as consultants to develop the CAP in 2020 with input from Bethlehem’s public and stakeholders, including the Bethlehem Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) and Councilman J. William Reynolds, who introduced the Resolution and played critical roles in developing the CAP initiative.
The Climate Action Plan was completed in April 2021 and can be found on the City’s website at the following link: Bethlehem City Climate Action Plan.
The Climate Action Plan will serve as the City’s comprehensive strategy for addressing climate change in Bethlehem and identifies targeted policies, programs, and projects that will both mitigate Bethlehem’s contribution to climate change and help the City adapt to the effects of a changing climate.
On Wednesday, 4/12/21, Mayor Donchez, Councilman Reynolds and Public Works Director Michael Alkhal, virtually presented the first look at the City of Bethlehem's Climate Action Plan. CAP Presentation Slides
To view the release please vist: www.youtube.com/channel/UCRLFG5Y9Ui0jADKaRE1W3xw
For more details visit the City’s website: www.bethlehem-pa.gov/Public-Works/Climate-Action-Plan